Hawaii Rainbow Chamber of Commerce welcomes your ideas for webinars, trainings, in-person events and other online offerings. Please contact us at info@hirainbowchamber.org

SVOG Application Informational Webinar


This informational webinar will highlight the opening of the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant application which is scheduled for Thursday, April 8, 2021. Join us as we cover what documentation eligible […]

Leading for Equity Impact Workshop Series


Leading for Equity Impact is a six-session workshop series that will invite participants to consider history, race, culture, power, and privilege through a national, local, and personal lens. Participants will grow […]

Kōkua Exchange Orientation for Businesses


Kanu Hawaii is launching Kōkua Exchange -- their Hawai’i-focused Timebank to support community building, economic sustainability, and exchanges of Aloha --  with a series of online orientations. • Monday, April […]

NGLCC Webinar Wednesdays: It Takes a Coalition


It Takes a Coalition: Building and Sustaining the Relationships You Need for Success Sometimes your business has what it takes to close the deal and get the job done; sometimes […]

KANU Volunteer Week Hawaii


Kanu Hawaii’s local take on National Volunteer Week, held annually every April, supports volunteer engagement by facilitating relationships between layers of community including: residents, visitors, nonprofits, businesses, schools, and government […]