Hawaii Rainbow Chamber of Commerce welcomes your ideas for webinars, trainings, in-person events and other online offerings. Please contact us at info@hirainbowchamber.org

Community Matters: MonkeyPox and Our Community


Safety over stigma! Be a part of the conversation on Thursday, August 11 at 5:30pm for HHHRCʻs Community Matters discussion about monkeypox and the impact on our community. To register, click here.

Justice Sabrina Shizue McKenna on Marriage Equality

Tapaʻs Waikiki 407 Seaside Ave, Honolulu, HI, United States

A evening at Tapaʻs Waikiki with Justice Sabrina Shizue McKenna of the Hawaiʻi Supreme Court discussing the future of marriage equality. Three couples will also be renewing their marriage vows […]

It’s Not Always Easy: Conflict Management


Every small business owner knows that lots of energy should be put into keeping your customers satisfied. Most of the time, you get compliments and support. But then there are […]

Monkeypox Vaccine Walk-In Clinic

Neal Blaidell Center 777 Ward Avenue, Honolulu, HI, United States

Eligibility for the monkeypox vaccine has expanded and, in addition to existing clinics, the Hawaiʻi Department of Health is offering two large-scale clinics at Blaisdell on Oʻahu this weekend on Saturday and […]

2021 State Equality Index


The State Equality Index (SEI) is an annual comprehensive report on statewide laws and policies that affect LGBTQ+ people and their families. Published by the Human Rights Campaign in partnership […]

Out & Open


According to a 2021 survey from NGLCC Corporate Partner PWC, only 34% of small business owners have succession plans. To protect the future of LGBTQ+ bars and restaurants and other […]

Registration Open: Honolulu Pride Parade & Festival

ROOTED IN PRIDE is the theme for 2022 Honolulu Pride, the first in-person Honolulu Pride celebrations since 2019. Join the community for programs throughout Honolulu Pride Month in October, and for the main event, the Honolulu Pride Parade and Festival on Saturday, October 15. Honolulu Pride takes place in October to coincide with LGBT History Month, National […]

September 15 Application Deadline: 2022 NGLCC LGBT Sip & Pitch: BRG Special Edition


Business Resource Groups (BRGs) activate employees and team members to engage in the business of our companies by leveraging their diversity. Also known as employee resource groups, affinity groups, and networks, BRGs are increasingly demonstrating that they have an impact on employee engagement and contribute to the achievement of business goals via collaborations with Supplier […]

3rd Annual StartOut Equity Summit


StartOut is excited to present the 3rd Annual StartOut Equity Summit, a virtual event that will focus on ways for underrepresented entrepreneurs to thrive across geographies and industries regardless of their background. The Summit is envisioned as an environment for dialogue and action where every participant is prepared to share insights, reflect on experiences, and be […]

Belong: Creating a Supportive Culture

Prince Waikiki 100 Holomoana Street, Honolulu, United States

As the work world tries to return to normalcy after two years of COVID-19 uncertainty, leaders are looking for ways to re-engage their employees and rebuild the emotional ties that teamwork is built upon. Employees, meanwhile, are re-evaluating their relationship to work itself, seeking a more human experience. Research has shown that a company’s culture […]

From Safe to Brave Space: It’s A Vibe


In the United States, the pandemic has disproportionately affected the mental health of the LGBT+ Business Community. The community needs to heal, but due to long-held stigma, discrimination, and harassment individuals in the LGBT+ community are often prevented from healing. In this workshop, participants will learn ideas, insights, and inspiration on how to not only […]