Hawaii Rainbow Chamber of Commerce welcomes your ideas for webinars, trainings, in-person events and other online offerings. Please contact us at info@hirainbowchamber.org

NGLCC Celebrates Trans Day of Visibility


The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) will host a celebration of Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV) on Tuesday, March 30 at 8am HT (2pm ET) in advance of TDOV […]

How to be Trans-Inclusive: Panel hosted by Included Health


Join Included Health for a conversation about how to be a more inclusive employer, healthcare provider, teammate, and everyday ally to our Trans community. Panelists will discuss how to build skills, policies, […]

Kua’ana Project: Transgender Day of Visibility


Hawai’i Health & Harm Reduction Center’s Kua’ana Project will observe INTERNATIONAL TRANSGENDER DAY OF VISIBILITY on Wednesday, March 31 from 6-8pm. This is a joyous opportunity to celebrate transgender and […]

Resilience: Motivating Lasting Change


Have you ever wondered why it is that people who desperately want to adopt healthier lifestyles don’t stick with them once their initial burst of motivation fades? Dr. Michelle Segar […]

Best Places to Work 2021: Online Reveal


Making the Hawaii Business Magazine's "Best Places to Work"  list anytime is incredible, but especially in the midst of a pandemic. Join us Friday, April 2 at 4 p.m. as Hawaii Business Magazine hosts an online party from Dave & Buster's in Honolulu to honor all of the Best Places to Work in Hawaiʻi. They'll […]

Applications Open: Elemental Exclerator Cohort 10


April 16 is the application deadline for Elemental Excelerator's 10th cohort, which is recruiting at a moment where we have roughly 10 years to halt the most damaging impacts of our changing planet. Elemental Excelerator is looking for 15-20 startups from anywhere in the world focused on addressing key challenges in energy, mobility, agriculture, water, […]

SVOG Application Informational Webinar


This informational webinar will highlight the opening of the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant application which is scheduled for Thursday, April 8, 2021. Join us as we cover what documentation eligible entities will need to apply for a SVOG, insight on what the SVOG application process will look like and more. As a reminder, all potential […]

Leading for Equity Impact Workshop Series


Leading for Equity Impact is a six-session workshop series that will invite participants to consider history, race, culture, power, and privilege through a national, local, and personal lens. Participants will grow their knowledge and understanding within their cohort, moving from awareness to concrete actions that can advance the values of Hawaiʻi, both in our personal relationships […]