Hawaii Rainbow Chamber of Commerce welcomes your ideas for webinars, trainings, in-person events and other online offerings. Please contact us at info@hirainbowchamber.org
2021 East Meets West Conference
OnlineThis year's East Meets West Conference is happening from February 24th-26th, 2-4pm. Appropriately titled No Borders, No Barriers, the focus is to gather our international community online and create value through […]
Through March 12: GSV Bootcamp
OnlineThe GSV Bootcamp is a FREE seven-week program designed to bring your ideas to life. During these sessions, you'll develop and polish concepts which you'll then pitch to investors at […]
Black LGBTQ Community Survey 2020-2021
OnlineThe Center for Black Equity (CBE) and Community Marketing & Insights (CMI) have released the Black LGBTQ Community Survey results, in recognition of Black History Month, February 2021. The full […]
2020 State Equality Index
OnlineThe State Equality Index (SEI) is prepared jointly by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and the Equality Federation Institute, two national LGBTQ advocacy organizations. The SEI treats D.C. as a […]
Engaging and Communicating WITH Your Stakeholders
OnlineGet your team engaged, proactive, and ready to jump into the next project to accomplish great things. This course will address ways to engage WITH your team members, letting them lead the charge, and drive great (and measurable) results. You will learn how to conduct actionable brainstorming sessions, work together as a team to prioritize […]
NGLCC Advocacy Alert: SBA Paycheck Protection Program Update
OnlineThe Biden administration has given the country's smallest employers two weeks of exclusive access to emergency loans, in a bid to target aid to minority-owned businesses and other companies that have struggled the most to obtain the funds during the pandemic. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) provides loans to help businesses keep their workforce employed […]
Most Innovative Companies Summit
OnlineFast Company announces the first-ever Most Innovative Companies Summit. This multiday summit will celebrate the Most Innovative Companies in business, provide an early look at major business trends and offer […]
NGLCC Webinar Wednesdays: Getting Paid in the COVID Era
OnlineWith members feeling the squeeze for cash, many business owners are starting to see longer lag times in getting paid. The presentation centers around implementing strategies maintaining a healthy A/R […]
Civil Cafe: Legislative Update
OnlineJoin Civil Beat politics and opinion editor, Chad Blair, as he hosts this virtual panel featuring Hawaii's lawmakers. Tune in to get a sense of what bills are still alive […]
Application deadline: March 26 | Fast Company’s Brands That Matter
OnlineFast Company is excited to announce a new recognition program: Brands That Matter. Brands That Matter will showcase brands that are more than the products they sell or the services they […]
Workplace Wellness: Abuse & Mental Health Challenges
OnlineDistress in the home has a major impact on workplace wellness. And employees experiencing partner abuse, substance abuse and mental health challenges of all kinds has significantly risen during the […]
Survive and Thrive — The Pivot
Online“The only constant in life is change” -Heraclitus As a business leader/owner you need to keep aware of changing business conditions to keep your organization relevant (profitable) and growing. You […]